Michele Maggini

Professor of Organic Chemistry
University of Padova
Department of Chemical Sciences
Via Marzolo 1, 35131 Padova, Italy


Born: 1959. University of Padova, Laurea Degree in Chemistry, 1984

Professional Positions

Guest Researcher; U. of Padova, 1984;

Research Associate; The U.of Chicago, 1986

Research Chemist; Marion-Merrell Dow, Gerenzano, 1989

CNR Research Chemist, 1990

Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, U. of Padova, 1998

Professor of Organic Chemistry, U. of Padova, 2000-

Director, Department of Chemical Sciences, 2016-2023

Board of directors chair - U. of Padova, 2020-2023

Research interests

Synthesis and applications of π-conjugated molecular architectures for solar energy conversion; development of flow chemistry platforms for the synthesis of pharmaceutical products, the controlled functionalization of carbon nanostructures and the production of micro/nanosystems to encapsulate, carry and deliver active chemical ingredients.


phone: +39 049 8275662

mobile: +39 3471096408