Human Resources Strategy (HRS) at DiSC
The DiSC seeks to apply clear, open, transparent and merit-based system of recruitment, in accordance with the guidelines from the “European Charter for Researchers”.
Researchers at DiSC are included in the following categories:
- PhD students (dottorandi);
- Post-doc fellows (post dottorandi);
- RTD(a) - three-years researchers, whose contract can be extended up to five years in accordance with the national law L.240;
- RTD (b) - tenure track programme researchers (in accordance with the national law L.240/2010;
- Associate professors (professori associati);
- Full professors (professori ordinari).
The selections at DiSC are conducted to ensure the widest participation of any candidate, regardless of nationality and gender. The calls for selection include specific details relating to the CV, the skills required and attitudes necessary to fill the positions.
The main objective permanently pursued remains the attempt to achieve excellent results in research, guarantee its development, its reputation and its internationalization.
Recruitment plans for human resources at DiSC are prepared every three years and approved by the Department Council, the organism that discusses and collegially approves any specific actions regarding the Department activities in accordance to the University’s policies.
The DiSC recruitment plan converges in the general action plan of the University of Padova. Thanks to this good practice, the European Commission renewed the HR Excellence in Research logo at the University of Padua (details are reported here).