Personale docente

Marco Frasconi

Professore associato


Indirizzo: VIA F. MARZOLO, 1 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498275231


Marco Frasconi is Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry at University of Padova, Department of Chemical Sciences. Born in Narni (TR, Italy) in 1983, he received his Bachelor Degree in Chemistry (2005) and Master Degree in Analytical Chemistry and Applied Methodologies (2007) from University of Rome “Sapienza”. He obtained his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010) from the same institution working at the Department of Chemistry and Drug Technologies (Advisor: Professor Franco Mazzei). During his graduate studies he was Visiting Researcher (2009) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). After the PhD, he moved to Northwestern University in Evanston (IL, USA) as Postdoctoral Fellow (from 2010 to 2014) with Professor Sir Fraser Stoddart (2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry). In 2014, he returned to Italy where he worked at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genova. On December 2015, he was appointed Associate Professor at University of Padova.

The focus of his work is on understanding the self-assembly mechanisms of molecules and nanomaterials and, by exploiting the properties of such systems, control the biomolecular recognition processes on engineered surfaces for the development of novel analytical tools that can be applied for the detection of molecules and biomarkers with implications on clinical diagnostic.
His research has resulted in 94 articles in peer-reviewed international journals (H-index = 37, source ISI Web of Science) and 4 patents.

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1) Biosensori elettrochimici flessibili per la rilevazione di biomarcatori dell’Alzheimer

2) Sviluppo di materiali intelligenti e autorigeneranti per la realizzazione di soft robot

3) Hydrogel a base di cellulosa per la realizzazione di biosensori stampati

4) Sistemi ibridi nanoparticelle-proteine per la diagnosi precoce dei tumori

5) Sviluppo di sensori elettrochimici per l'analisi di agenti inquinanti nelle acque