Separative chemistry at DiSC is performed on a wide range of chromatography equipment, ranging from gas phase carrier systems to liquid to gel.
Gas Chromatography
Facilities for gas chromatography are available, including:
(i) apolar, medium polar, polar columns for liquid samples;
(ii) fast-GC equipped with:
(iii) GC-MS analysis;
(iv) instruments for gas analysis, equipped with FID/TCD/MS detector.
Thermo Scientific DSQ™ single quadrupole GC/MS systems
GC-MS: Thermo Scientific trace GC ultra with DSQ quadrupole mass analyzer and XPT purge and trap sample concentrator. Thermo Scientific DSQ™ single quadrupole GC/MS systems take trace level analysis into the future by providing innovation and performance while ensuring reliable, accurate analytical results.
contacts: paolo.pastore@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 210-05-?
GC/MS Agilent 6850
GC/MS Agilent 6850 with 5973 Network Mass Selective Detector.
contacts: cristina.paradisi@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-018
The Shimadzu GC-2010 with hydrogen generator is a fast gas chromatographic system equipped with AOC-20i autoinjector. It represents the evolution of GC, allowing to work with 5 atm pressures on ad hoc developed columns. The system is interfaced to a CLAIMO Hydrogen Generator.
contacts: andrea.sartorel@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-018
Agilent Technologies 5975C VL MSD 7890A GC system triple-axis detector
Gas Chromatograph characterized by a quadrupolar mass separation system, equipped with triple axis detector, FID & TCD.
contacts: andrea.sartorel@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-018
VARIAN 430 GC with autosampler
Gas chromatograph equipped with powerful autosampler, working 24h/day.
contacts: andrea.sartorel@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-018
hp6890 GC system Plus+
contacts: andrea.sartorel@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-018
Shimadzu GC 14B
contacts: andrea.sartorel@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-018
Analytical Liquid and Gel Chromatography
HPLC Dionex with P680 pump, thermostated column compartment, TCC-100 and PDA-100 photodiode array detector, ASE 100: accelerated solvent extractor.
contacts: paolo.pastore@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 210-05-?
VWR Hitachi Chromaster HPLC
The Chromaster HPLC is an analytical system, equipped with a 5160 pump, a 5260 autosampler and a 5410 UV detector. The main feature of the system is the high reproducibility of the gradient and retention times, achieved thanks to a low pressure operating mode, called the High Frequent Mode (HFM), which is based on the double switching function of proportioning valves. The autosampler compartment is equipped with a high precision syringe drive unit, for high accuracy and volume reproducibility. Substantially there's no dead volume in the flow path, thanks to a pumping method that washes the needle outer wall. The equipment is actually dedicated to the analysis of the synthesized peptides purity.
contacts: alessandro.moretto.1@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 215-02-100
Agilent Technologies HPLC 1200 series
This HPLC is equipped with manual injection and diode array, VWD + Bin Pump. It is actually mostly dedicated to the determination of the analytical purity of synthesized peptides and proteins. A senior technical staff is dedicated to students training for the instruments best application as well as research and industry collaborations.
contacts: marta.dezotti@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 215-03-073
HPLC Shimadtzu single-pump system for isocratic separations
The equipment is composed of a LC-10AD liquid chromatography pumping unit, a degassing unit and a SPD-10A UV-Vis detector.
contacts: mauro.carraro@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-009
Twin set of HPLC Shimadzu systems for gradient elution separations
Each system is composed by two LC-10AT liquid chromatography pumping units and one SPD-10A UV-Vis detector. They are dedicated to direct phase and inverse phase chromatographic analyses.
contacts: mauro.carraro@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-009
HPLC Thermoquest (TSP) for gradient elution separations
The analytical liquid chromatography system is composed by a P2000 TSP pumping unit, a degasser and a UV6000LP diode-array detector.
contacts: mauro.carraro@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-009
Pharmacia Biotech P900 with UV-900
contacts: massimo.bellanda@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 215-03-073
Agilent Technologies 1260 Infinity
The equipment include the 1260 Iso Pump, 1260 TCC, the Agilent 1260 Infinity Variable Wavelength Detector (VWD) VL, the 1260 Infinity Refractive Index Detector (RID, 1260 Infinity Thermostatted Column Compartment and 1260 manual injection system. For routine polymer characterization by GPC/SEC separation with refractive index or UV-Vis detectors. It has a high flow precision (600 bar power range and up to 10 mL/min) and temperature stability from 10° below room temperature to 80°C. The GPC/SEC software allows instrument control, collection of multiple data channels and performs all standard molecular weight and branching calculations. The instrument is mainly used for GPC/SEC separations in organic solvents.
contacts: miriam.mba@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-016
Portlab Ion chromatography
Ion chromatography is performed by a Portlab HPLC SYSTEM STAYER equipped with a thermostated cell compartment and a CD-516 conductivity detector.
contacts: andrea.sartorel@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-018
HPLC Shimadzu CT10-10ASVP column oven equipped with autosampler
The system is composed by the CTO-10AS column oven compartment, the DGU-14A module, the LC-10AD liquid chromatograph unit, the FCV-10AL module, the SIL-10AD auto injector system, the SPD-10AV UV-Vis detector, the SCL-10A system controller.
contacts: giulia.licini@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-017
Preparative Liquid Chromatography
Protein Purification systems AKTA purifier
The synthesis facility at DiSC includes two AKTApurifier chromatographic systems actually dedicated to the purification of proteins in aqueous buffers. The chromatographic run can be monitored on-line by measuring simultaneously UV and conductivity with high precision (with UV-900 or UPC-900). Both systems are interfaced with Frac-920 autosamplers hosted in 100 L refrigerator, to keep the samples at constant temperature of 4°C. A large repertoire of columns is available, which allows the implementation of all purification protocols commonly used for proteins.
contacts: massimo.bellanda@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 215-03-073
HPLC Shimadzu (1990) for preparative separations
The system is composed by two LC8A liquid chromatography pumping units and by a SP-20 UV-Vis detector. It is a robust preparative system, for gradient elution separations.
contacts: mauro.carraro@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-009
Biotage IsoleraTM Prime (two of them)
The Biotage Isolera™ Prime housed at DiSC are medium pressure chromatographs for automated flash purifications. The systems are equipped with solvent pumps, automated fraction collection and a UV detector with choice of dual-wavelength (range 200–400 nm), particularly suitable for the detection of aromatic systems and conjugated organic compounds. The flow rate range extends up to 50mL/min or 100mL/min, while the pressure range extends from ambient to 10 bars, thus enabling both normal phase and reverse phase purifications. The included software calculate the best solvent conditions and gradients for the given purification task. Expert senior technical permanent staff daily manage the instruments for research application.
contacts: saverio.santi@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 215-01-100
location at DiSC: 215-02-100
Shimadzu Preparative HPLC with SPD-6A UV detector
This Preparative HPLC system is composed of a SCL-6B system controller managing the pressure ramps in the two LC-8A preparative liquid chromatograph units and a UV-Vis SPD-6A spectrophotometric detector. The system allows for the high pressure mixing. A number of columns can be mounted on the system, ranging from the reverse phase C4 to the C18 with different micron particle size. The flow rate can be up to 50 mL/min. The system is particularly suitable for the purification of low molecular weight peptides.
contacts: barbara.biondi@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 215-03-073
Preparative chromatography Sepacore
This preparative chromatographic system was developed on requested, assembling a tailored multi module system for the organic syntheses research requests from DiSC. The main component are a Büchi Control Unit C-620, a Büchi Fraction Collector C-660 and a Büchi UV-photometer C-540. The equipment include a wide range of flash cartridge and glass columns. The amount of injected samples vary from few milligrams to hundreds of grams, while the high efficiency of the separation is managed by a modulable pressure up to 50 bar. The elution flow rate ranges up to 250 mL/min. The UV detector allows for multisignal monitoring simultaneously measuring at four wavelenghts. The system is daily managed by a research staff normally involved in european projects and usually hosting international collaborators.
contacts: cristina.paradisi@unipd.it
location at DiSC: 170-00-008