Chemistry Library
“Cesare Pecile” Chemistry Library
"una biblioteca per le persone non solo per i libri"
a library for people, not just for books*
"...Le biblioteche sono il laboratorio culturale di base per qualunque operatore universitario. Nelle biblioteche nasce l’interdisciplinarietà e solo attraverso le biblioteche l’indispensabile isolamento specialistico del lavoro del ricercatore si ricompone in uno schema culturale di più
ampio respiro"
“...Libraries are the base cultural laboratory for any academic worker. It is in the libraries that the inter-disciplinarity rises and it is only thanks to the libraries that the essential isolation of the work of the researcher is recomposed in a wider cultural scheme” **
These are words from Cesare Pecile, a professor of Physical Chemistry who introduced brilliant innovation in the organization of the physical areas and cultural frameworks for the promotion of science, research, culture and social development and to whom the chemistry library is dedicated. He allowed the realization of an effectively interconnected network of libraries in Padova, that represented a cutting-edge reality in the national context. The actual organization of the library aims to keep those guidelines.
*translated from the speech held during the ceremony for the dedication to Cesare Pecile of the Chemistry library, the 18th September 2013 by prof. Laura Tallandini, reported online at (;
**translated from: Cesare Pecile “Per portar la toga”, (1981), Padova (s.n.) Poligrafica moderna.
Library address
Via Marzolo 1, Padova tel. 049.827.5061
Opening hours
Monday-Friday 8am-6.00pm
Opening hours may change at Christmas, at Easter and in August. Please, check library website
Access to the library
The library is on the 2nd floor of Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche main building and is wheelchair accessible. Readers are requested to leave their Padova University badge at the circulation desk and put their bags in the numbered lockers at the entrance.
The library has
- 70 seats
- Large tables with power connections.
Computers and Netbooks
The library provides:
- 1 computer for catalogue search, at the entrance.
- 10 computers connected to the Internet and to the University of Padova Digital Library. In order to use them, you have to register at the circulation desk.
- 12 netbooks that can be borrowed and used inside the library.
The library provides free Eduroam WI-FI connection to the Internet.
Professors, Researchers, Staff | 20 | 60 | 5 |
PhD, Research fellows | 20 | 60 | 5 |
Students | 10 | 30 | 5 |
External users | 5 | 30 | 2 |
To renew your book loans or to change your password go to:
click on:
La mia tessera della biblioteca/My library card
and follow the instructions on the right side of the webpage.
Textbooks have coloured stickers on them.
red circle: it cannot be borrowed.
yellow circle: it can be borrowed from 5 pm and must be returned by 10 am of the next day. On Fridays, it can be borrowed from 12 am.
green circle: it can be borrowed for 15 days.
Search the catalogue for books and journals and check if they are available:
The library has a self-service print/scan station. You can photocopy or print library material for personal use and research, according to copyright laws.
You can request books not available in Padova libraries. Please, check the University of Padova Digital Library website for terms and conditions.
The library supplies users with copies of documents, such as journal articles, book chapters etc, not available in any of the University collections. All you have to do is to contact your library or check the DD section of Padova University Digital Library.
University of Padova Libraries organise a variety of instruction sessions on the use of library resources. Please, check the University of Padova Digital Library website for future dates.
You can also ask librarians for assistance in searching catalogues and databases. email to:
You can access electronic library resources such as ejournals and ebooks either from the library computers or from your personal computer via the auth-proxy. For instructions, visit the University of Padova Digital Library website.
the other science libraries
Biological-Medical Library “A. Vallisneri” - Viale G. Colombo 3
Physics and Astronomy Library; Astronomy Building - vicolo dell’Osservatorio 3
Physics and Astronomy Library ; Physics Building - via Marzolo 8
Earth Sciences Library - via Gradenigo 6
Mathematics Library - via Trieste 63
Pharmaceutical Sciences Library; via Jappelli building - via Jappelli 1 bis
Pharmaceutical Sciences Library; via Marzolo building - via Marzolo 5
History of Science Library - via Jappelli 1