Physical properties

Thermal behaviour of synthesized molecules and investigated materials is studied at DiSC by a wide range of thermal analysis techniques. A lot of other physical properties are of interest to the chemistry, to test the functionality of devices and to develop the correlation between molecular structure and macroscopic properties.

  Rotational Rheometer Kinexus Lab+

reometro Kinexus

Kinexus Lab+ is the next generation rotational rheometer able to measure viscosities and viscoelastic properties of samples with different features. The investigation of rheological properties is useful to understand the material behavior and to solve technical problems at all stages of product life cycle.

The instrument is equipped with two measurement geometries optimized for the rheological characterization of complex fluids and soft solids, including dispersions, emulsions, polymer and surfactant solutions, pastes and gels. The torque range is between 10 nN × m to 200 mN × m, with a resolution of 0.1 nN × m. It is also equipped with a Peltier plate cartridge providing high heating and cooling rates with excellent temperature stability from -40 °C to 200 °C and a temperature resolution of 0.01 °C. 

location at DiSC: 215-00-055

  TA Instruments (Waters) Q5000IR Thermogravimeter (TGA) interfaced to a PFEIFFER OMNI star (TM) Mass Spectrometer

The TA (Waters) Q5000IR TGA is equipped with an infra-red furnace employing four IR lamps and a silicon carbide IR-absorbent enclosure, in a configuration that allows to set the heating rate in the linear mode from 0.1 ˚C/min to 500 ˚C/min or in the ballistic mode at more than 2000 ˚C/min, from ambient temperature to 1200 ˚C. The TGA can operate the sample in controlled atmospheres or in vacuum. The extreme sensitivity of the instrument allows to analyse tiny samples of the order of tens of milligrams. An auto-sampler stage allows analyses automation. The TGA has been interfaced to a PFEIFFER OMNI star Mass Spectrometer, to enable an hybrid instrumental configuration, for the mass spectrometry analysis of the fragments released by the thermal degradation.
The equipment offers the possibility to study the thermal stability of the materials, their composition, even in complex matrices, to detect traces of fillers in composite systems and to develop kinetics or structural hypotheses.
The instrument is mainly devoted to the realization of research projects and commercial service to external applicants.

location at DiSC: 170-00-010

  TA Instruments TGA/DSC Discovery SDT650 Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) (SDT)

TGA/DSC Discovery SDT650


The TA Instruments TGA/DSC Discovery SDT650 is interfaced to the DiSC gas distribution network, thus it can be operated alternatively in high grade-purity nitrogen or in air. Real-time simultaneous heat flow and weight data are possible. The sample temperature can be raised up to 1500°C on a controlled heating rate ranging from 2°C/min to 30°C/min and cool down from 1500 °C to 100 °C in under 40 min for quick sample turnaround. The balance sensitivity is 0.001 mg. The horizontal design allows excellent evolved gas results without chimney effects of competitive systems. 

This Hi-Res TGA/DSC system is devoted to the study of polymers, composite systems hosting nano-structured fillers as well as to the inorganic and organic substances. The equipment is managed by expert permanent technical staff for data collection and processing for both research and commercial purposes for companies and external parties.

location at DiSC: 215-01-073

  TA Instruments 2920 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)


The TA Instruments 2920 DSC is equipped with a freezing unit that allows to perform analyses from -40°C to 300°C. Cyclic scan measurements can be collected and the temperature on time derivative can be set in the range from 2°C/min to 30°C/min.

location at DiSC: 215-01-073

  Thermometric 2250 microcalorimetric titration system in a 2277 nanoWatt Thermal Activity Monitor

Two isothermal titration microcalorimeters (Thermometric 2250 Micro Reaction System 2.5 mL and 15 mL) are housed in a 2277 nanoWatt bath/controller which operates at 5 - 90 °C with a stability of 0.1 m°C. At 25 °C the 2.5 mL microcalorimeter can detect reaction heats  20-40 µJ. Perfusion and Controlled Rh Perfusion experiments can be performed with the same set up.

location at DiSC: 215-00-052

  TA Instruments (Waters) Q20MFC DSC

The Differential Scanning Calorimetry Q20 is actually applied at DiSC to determine physic-chemical transitions on tiny amount of samples. Typically detected phenomena are melting, crystallization, denaturation, cure / cure kinetics, oxidative stability, glass transition, "cold" crystallization, together with their characteristic temperature and associated enthalpy. The operating temperature ranges from -180 °C to 725°C. The Q20 includes software controlled dual mass flow controllers with automated gas switching capability.

location at DiSC: 170-00-010

  Contact angle and other physical properties measurements instruments

Custom made contact angle measurements instrument 


The custom-made contact angle measurements instrument housed at DiSC is equipped with high resolution camera, Peltier cell for temperature (-15 - 120°C) dependent measurements, LabView based software.

Durometer: For gauging the hardness of materials.

Viscometer Cannon-Fenske: For the analysis of the viscosity of transparent newtonian liquids.

Turbidimeter Mettler-Toledo TRB8300: For performing measurements on emulsions, with a measurement range of 5-4000 FTU and 0-250g/L.

location at DiSC: 215-01-069; 215-01-067