Expression of interest – Full professor

Dal 10.05.2023 al 30.06.2023

The Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova has been selected by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research) as Department of Excellence for the five-year period 2023-2027 to strengthen and enhance research in the field of Complexity in Chemistry. To this end, the Department is seeking candidates for a direct call of a full professor in the field of Bioinorganic Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry at the interface with Biology.


The Faculty of the Department of Chemical Sciences would like to meet colleagues who might be interested in the available position. We are seeking candidates who: 1) have an outstanding scientific curriculum vitae; 2) have accumulated excellent research experience in different research groups in Italy or abroad; 3) have coordinated relevant research projects in Italy or abroad in the field of Bioinorganic Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry at the interface with Biology; 4) have an excellent track record of both nationally and internationally awarded research grants; 5) have the professional capacity to teach Inorganic Chemistry at all levels.


Interested individuals are invited to submit a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, a four-page research project they intend to carry out if hired, and a teaching statement. The documents mentioned above should be submitted to the Director of the Department of Chemical Sciences at the following e-mail address: indicating in the subject line “C2 – FP application”.

Candidates are encouraged to apply by June 30, 2023.


Expressions of interest will be reviewed by a cross-disciplinary selection committee. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview and a scientific presentation. All expressions of interest will receive consideration without discrimination on any ground. In particular, the University of Padova encourages women's applications to achieve the 40% new female employee target set by the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR) and the objectives of the University of Padova’s Gender Equality Plan.


For the selected candidate, an official direct-call recruitment process will be initiated. This consists of several approval steps and requires a formal endorsement from the Italian Ministry of University, and Research, after which the Rector confirms the appointment and sets the salary class of the position depending on merit and length of service. For successful candidates who have held academic positions abroad (see below), there are substantial tax benefits. The procedure is expected to be completed and the position to be filled within 2023.


Eligibility criteria and additional information

The Direct Calls program of the Italian Ministry of University, and Research (MUR) provides opportunities to cover academic positions through direct calls to Italian and foreign scholars meeting one of the following necessary requirements:

  1. scholars who have been working abroad on an academic or research position at a foreign university or research institution for at least three years. The position they are expected to fill through the direct call procedure should be equivalent to the one held for the last three years;
  2. scholars who have already worked in teaching or research capacities at Italian universities for at least three years on a direct call basis authorized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research;
  3. recipients of an ERC grant (consolidator/advanced) which has not been completed more than three years ago. The aforementioned term is increased by one year in relation to the birth of each child during that period.


Padova May 10, 2023    


                      Michele Maggini

Director, Department of Chemical Sciences