Per laurearsi
Program Coordinator : Prof. Orian Laura
How to apply for dissertation
Submit a graduation application request via Uniweb by the deadline date published for the program. For detailed information on when and how to register for graduation, please see
Requirements to apply
- Satisfactorily complete all units of study prescribed for in their coursework with a minimum of 105 ECTS.
- Carry out a 15 ECTS internship (Tirocinio) within a company or external institution that has a valid internship agreement (Convenzione) with the University of Padova. For all the alternatives check the Degree Regulation below.
The Dissertation must be attached to the application submitted via uniweb. The format must be pdf/A and have a maximum size of 40 megabytes, here the instructions to produce a pdf/A.
Guidelines on the Dissertation format* are listed in the Degree Regulation document below.
*Regarding pages, text, font, footnotes, figures, ecc.
At candidates will be assigned an academic supervisor, a company co-supervisor, an external co-examiner (contro-relatore).
The Dissertation is a piece of academic writing of approximately 50-80 pages and represents a substantial original research work. It shall be written in English and demonstrate a coherent line of research inquiry, a logical structure, description, and discussion of results.
A “Declaration of Originality” should be included after the cover page and before the index page.
For further information about the Dissertation please examine the Degree Regulation below.