DigiChem: an international network for sustainable chemistry
Academic Coordinator: Prof.ssa Silvia Gross
Assistant Project Manager: Dott. Angelo Scopano
Program: 4 host universities - in attendance seminars, online lectures, digital lab activities.
Scholarship: 5 for travelling to host institutions and attending all the modules in presence
Contact: digichem.chimica@unipd.it
Circular economy, use of renewable raw materials, sustainable energy and water management: chemistry plays an important role with regard to a sustainable economy and society. As new chemical processes must be developed and existing processes must be adapted to changing conditions. This topic involves transnational problems and therefore international viewpoints should be included in a study program.
For this reason, within the framework of an "Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership” the project “DigiChem” started this year with partners from Gießen, Ljubljana, Padua and Zagreb. “DigiChem” includes four new modules, each taking place at one of the partner universities, which participants will follow digitally. These modules will include online lectures, seminars as well as digital lab courses.
Furthermore, a maximum of five students from each partner can be enrolled in the program to follow the lectures in person and participate in the lab courses on site. The four modules will be awarded with 18 ETCS to each of the five students. Thus enabling intercultural exchange for students and teachers in the digital space as well as in the context of mutual visits.