Double degree

Academic Coordinator: Prof. Christian Durante (email:

Administrative Secretariat: Marco Battagin e Alessandra Geninatti - Segreteria Didattica e Post lauream, Dept. of Chemical Sciences (email:, and

The Chemistry Curriculum stems from an agreement between the University of Giessen (Germany) and our University, whose aim is to award a double degree of "Master in Chemistry" from both Universities. Students enrolled in this curriculum will spend the first semester of the second year at the partner University. They will be granted the double degree if, in this period, they will acquire 30 ECTS. After the first semester the student can prolong his/her stay for another semester and spend the thesis internship in one of the research laboratories of the partner University. Full details on the agreements terms and the rules to be eligible for the double degree can be found in the AGREEMENT and ANNEX, both downloadable from this page.

  Outgoing students

Instructions about application can be found in the Call for Admission, that is published every year in March. The applicant must deliver to the Administrative Secretariat the following documents:

  1. application form (attached to the Call for Admission);
  2. bachelor certificate with marks (if you’ve graduated in Padova, you can find it in your Uniweb profile);
  3. letter of motivation.

If you are selected for the Double Degree, you should ask the Mobility Office at UNIPD for all the necessary procedures and documents.

After your graduation in Gießen, in order to close your career also in Padova, the Administrative Secretariat needs the following information:

  1. self-certification of the exams dates in Gießen (the form is downloadable from this page);
  2. graduation date in Gießen;
  3. copy of the Master Thesis in PDF/A;
  4. names of the Master Thesis supervisors;
  5. receipt of the AlmaLaurea survey (you can find the access link in your Uniweb profile).

  Incoming students

Any question related to the accomodation should be sent to the Mobility Office (  

Documents needed by the Administrative Secretariat after your arrival in Padova:

  1. Transcript of Records of the exams you’ve passed in your first year of Master’s Degree in Giessen;
  2. Self-certification of the exams dates in Gießen (if the dates are not included in the Transcript of Records).

Remember to fill in your study plan during the compilation period, which is usually set in November: if you need help to choose the exams, you can ask the Double Degree Academic Coordinator or your tutor.

If you attend the research work for the Master Thesis in Gießen, after your graduation you must send to the Administrative Secretariat the following information:

  1. copy of the Master Thesis in PDF/A;
  2. names of the Master Thesis supervisors;
  3. graduation date in Gießen;
  4. receipt of the AlmaLaurea survey (you can find the access link in your Uniweb profile).

If you take the final exam in Padua, remember to register for graduation by the deadline set for each graduation period. For more information you can ask the Administrative Secretariat.